The presidential candidates should listen
to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta when he reminds us that there is
still a war being fought in Afghanistan. And we should remember what
Panetta’s predecessor, Robert Gates, had to say about Afghanistan in
2010, too.

After a speech at Duke University in September 2010, Gates explained to students
that eastern Afghanistan “is increasingly an unholy syndicate of
terrorist groups working together: al Qaeda, the Haqqani network, the
Pakistani Taliban, the Afghan Taliban and groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba.”
“A success for one is a success for all,” Gates warned.
Simply put, al Qaeda still has a presence in
Afghanistan and works closely with other jihadist groups that do as
well. The role of al Qaeda in the Taliban’s former stronghold has been
largely ignored in recent years as some pretend that al Qaeda’s core in
Pakistan lacks a network inside Afghanistan. But Gates’s warning has only become truer since he spoke those words at Duke.
“Al Qaeda is still present in Afghanistan,” Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who has since retired from his post, told the Daily Telegraph (UK) in an interview
earlier this year. Crocker continued, “If the West decides that 10
years in Afghanistan is too long then they will be back, and the next
time it will not be New York or Washington, it will be another big
Western city.”
There is evidence that al Qaeda is already using Afghanistan (once again) to plot attacks against the West.
Earlier this month, for example, Spanish authorities announced that they had broken up a three-man al Qaeda cell that was plotting terrorist attacks
on one or more targets. The cell had been trained in both Pakistan and
Afghanistan. Investigators added that the men had ties to
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which is headquartered in Pakistan, and had
attended the LeT’s training camps inside Afghanistan as well.
This is a good example of the
“unholy syndicate” Gates talked about. The LeT continues to dispatch
fighters into Afghanistan alongside members of other terrorist
organizations. The LeT and al Qaeda have cooperated with one another
since the 1990s.
A few days after the Spanish announcement, the U.S. State Department added a Saudi al Qaeda member based in Afghanistan
to the government’s list of designated terrorists. The terrorist, known
as Mansur al Harbi, has long been wanted by Saudi authorities for his
ties to senior al Qaeda members inside the kingdom and Pakistan. Al
Harbi “is responsible for training militants and for the coordination of
foreign fighters who travel to Afghanistan to fight against coalition
forces,” according to State. Al Harbi first joined al Qaeda in
Afghanistan more than a decade ago. “As a result of his key training
position, al Harbi is closely connected to many senior al Qaeda
leaders,” State added.
NATO’s International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) continues to regularly target al Qaeda and affiliated groups,
including the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), inside Afghanistan.
As my colleague Bill Roggio has documented,
ISAF’s press releases over the past several years indicate that al
Qaeda and its allies have operated in 114 districts and in 25 of
Afghanistan’s 34 provinces.
Not much has been said about al Qaeda during the
presidential campaign thus far. President Obama and his advisers have
argued that al Qaeda is “on the path to defeat.” But the group remains
alive, in Afghanistan and numerous other countries.
The next president will likely have to deal with al Qaeda’s footprint inside Afghanistan in late January 2013 and beyond.
Thomas Joscelyn is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
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