– by Staff Report

Dominant Social Theme: It's a new era of globalization, and these delicate matters should be decided at the highest international levels.
Free-Market Analysis: Is the Julian Assange extradition standoff nothing more than a way of further establishing the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court?
This could make sense. We've been puzzled with the way things have played out regarding Assange but now we believe we may have the key.
If one accepts that Assange and WikiLeaks are at the highest level connected to representatives of a global power elite, then what's going on becomes clear.
This elite seeks to run the world and has been challenged in this effort by what we call the Internet Reformation that has exposed the globalist conspiracy for those who wish to see. As they did long ago when attempting to combat the information made available by the Gutenberg Press, the powers-that-be are once again trying to muddy the proverbial waters, or so it seems to us.
WikiLeaks is perhaps just one of a number of so-called false flag projects that have been developed to confuse people about what is really going on. Anonymous is another one, apparently. So is Occupy Wall Street, which is reportedly funded at least in part by elitist apparatchik George Soros.
All of these entities and many more seek to combat the free-market thinking and disciplined philosophical anarchy that was making it impossible to justify elitist mercantilism.
The elite conspiracy is based on control of government. No government, no conspiracy. So when one studies false-flag events, one must look to see if the individual or group is mouthing radical or fashionable rhetoric while still suggesting public solutions to private problems.
This is one of the dividing lines between elite dominant social themes and the reality of credible and sincere change making.
Occupy Wall Street utilizes much of the rhetoric of "rebellion" and proposes seemingly anti-establishment points of view. But when one unpacks the rhetoric one begins to see that almost all the solutions are government oriented.
The hacker group Anonymous claims to be motivated by Internet anarchism but their targets are often corporate and rarely government oriented. They have surely not taken aim at the West's military-industrial complex.
The elites understand this and only turn to violence as a last resort, preferring to motivate people via fear-based propaganda. But because of the Internet, these scarcity-based memes have become obvious and increasingly transparent.
This does not mean the elites have ceased to try to regenerate these approaches. Julian Assange would seem to be a case in point.
As a young man, Assange went to
Somehow, later, in the first decade of the
We've chronicled, as have many others, the idea that WikiLeaks is a triumph of style over substance. Having a supposedly radical "news" outlet controlled by Western Intel agencies allows the powers-that-be to leak information to the media in a credible way.
And who are Assange's partners in all of this? Why, the traditional mainstream media including such names as the New York Times and the Washington Post.
Assange is providing credibility to facilities of elite information. The mainstream media, bought and paid for by the power elite, is foundering around the world, but these are the instruments that Assange chooses to work with nonetheless.
We won't go on about this. It's fairly evident at this point who Assange is and how he is being positioned, in our view anyway. For more on Assange, just search the Internet for Assange and the Daily Bell. Or search for Assange and "false flag." There's plenty of information out there.
Again, exposure in multiple times and ways hasn't slowed the Assange promotion. He is tall, blond, handsome and arrogant. He continues to be useful to the power elite in numerous ways. And now it would seem he's going to be used to provide credibility to the International Criminal Court.
A friend of the Daily Bell's pointed this out to us yesterday and it makes a lot of sense. The Soros-funded ICC has not met with a rapturous reception and even many developing country leaders are wary of it.
But if Ecuador can draw in the ICC as a protector of Ecuador against the big British bully that is standing in the way of Assange's legal extradition, it would be a tremendous way of positioning the Court as a friend of the developing world.
Already the Assange extradition is being seen as a struggle between North and South. People have not been able to explain the bad behavior of British officials but it all becomes clear if one looks on it as an elaborate psy-op.
Here's more from the Reuters article. Reuters is yet another main elite mouthpiece. Notice how this is being presented. Ecuadorans are being whipped up.
Hundreds of Ecuadoreans marched on Monday in support of the government's decision to grant asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in a saga that could help President Rafael Correa win re-election.
Ecuador is outraged at Britain for threatening to enter its embassy in London where the Australian anti-secrecy campaigner – faced with extradition to Sweden for questioning over rape and sexual assault accusations – has taken refuge.
There is also a wider power game at play between Ecuador and the bloc of left-wing Latin American governments it belongs to, and the United States.
Correa supports Assange's claim that he is at risk of being sent to the United States for punishment over WikiLeaks' 2010 release of a deluge of U.S. diplomatic cables and secret army documents.
"We're here to support the timely and correct decision to grant asylum to Julian Assange and also to reject the hostile reaction of Great Britain in cahoots with United States," said Betty Wanda, a 28-year-old lawyer, among a crowd outside the presidential palace in Quito on Monday.
Correa is already very popular and appears to be drawing more support with his stance on Assange. He has portrayed the standoff with London as a principled struggle between a small nation against a "colonial power".
You see? All the strands are being cleverly drawn together here. The Reuters article provides us with a road map for this particular promotion.
Later on in the article, the writers refer to "the ALBA bloc of left-wing Latin American governments, founded in 2004 by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Cuba's then-leader Fidel Castro." They point out that this group along with UNASUR is giving Ecuador "strong backing."
And still more:
"If there's something that many people agree with, it is the dislike, even the visceral hate of 'the empire'. The anti-American sentiment brings us together, the phobia of everything that is or may be 'gringo', and, by extension, European," columnist Fabian Corral, who is often critical of Correa, wrote in Ecuador's El Comercio daily.
We often write about our amazement at discovering that almost every part of modern history has seemingly been manipulated to support ever-closer global government. Often we pinch ourselves, collectively, hoping to wake up.
But it seems we ARE awake. And so are the elites. Global government is their goal, something they have not wavered from for hundreds of years.
Now, it could be that because outlets like ours point it out the psy-op (if that is what it is) will not be sprung. But this is a big promotion involving several continents and thousands of players.
Of course, hardly any of them have been brought into the planning of whatever is going on. Probably not even Correa. In fact, that's the beauty of this kind of directed history. The players and the board itself has long since been arranged. All the promotion needs is a gentle shove and people will perform according to their self-interest.
Correa, who is facing an election, will rave. The populations of the larger South American continent will be convulsed by unreasonable British actions.
The ICC may rush to the rescue and will be greeted enthusiastically. Yesterday's Western facility of globalist repression will suddenly be seen as a rapturous intermediary for developing world justice.
Conclusion: And so, gradually, the world will get its court. We'll sit back and watch the show. We hope we're wrong.
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