Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Biden in 49% Black Danville, VA: 'They Gonna Put Y'all Back in Chains'

Biden in 49% Black Danville, VA: 'They Gonna Put Y'all Back in Chains'

This morning in Virginia, Vice President Joe Biden dropped some shocking and offensive language in ripping into Mitt Romney’s economic plans. Stooping to a new low, Biden said, “Romney wants to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street. They gonna put y’all back in chains.”

The southern accent Biden adopts for that last line is deeply disturbing; it’s a clear reference to slavery. The city of Danville, where Biden was speaking, has a black population of 48.6 percent; 19.8 percent of all Virginians are black. Those facts surely did not go unnoticed by Biden. This is race-baiting as its finest. It is despicable.
The Romney campaign responded immediately, demanding an apology from the Obama campaign. “After weeks of slanderous and baseless accusations leveled against Governor Romney, the Obama Campaign has reached a new low,” said Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign spokeswoman, in a statement. “The comments made by the Vice President of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do anything to win this election. President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden’s comments.”
Thus far, such tactics have not worked on the Obama campaign, which seemingly has no shame; last week, they allowed an associated Super PAC to attack Romney as the passive murderer of Joe Soptic’s wife, and refused to condemn such action. With the Obama campaign becoming more and more desperate, their language is becoming more and more extreme. Paul Ryan’s selection as Mitt Romney’s VP pick seems to be shaking up the Democrats’ strategy – and their fallback position appears to be vulgarity and political slander.

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