the United States House of Representativesm, Committee on Financial
Services, Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology,
Hearing on "Fractional Reserve Banking and the Federal Reserve:
The Economic Consequences of High-Powered Money," June 28,
During a time
of economic crisis, when the topic of stability of the banking and
financial sector is at the forefront of most people's minds, it
is ironic that the most important factor in the development of the
modern banking system is precisely the one topic which is almost
never mentioned. The elephant in the room is, of course, fractional
reserve banking. In a speech in October 2010, Mervyn King, Governor
of the Bank of England, referred to fractional reserve banking as
"financial alchemy", an analogy which is particularly
apt. Just as alchemists attempted to turn worthless lead into something
thousands of times more valuable, modern-day financial alchemists
attempt to turn a limited number of bank deposits into an unlimited
amount of money and credit . But while the alchemists were never
successful in their endeavors, financial alchemists have been all
too successful at creating money and credit out of thin air, sowing
the seeds for the destructive booms and busts of the business cycle.
reserve banking is the practice by which banks accept deposits but
only keep a fraction of those deposits on hand at any time. In practice,
nearly 100% of deposits are loaned out, yet depositors believe that
they can withdraw the full amount of their deposit at any time.
Loaned funds are then redeposited and reloaned up to the limit of
the bank's reserve requirements, compounding the effect. While mainstream
economists extol this "money multiplier" as a nearly miraculous
process that results in a robust economy, low reserve requirements
actually enable banks to create trillions of dollars of credit out
of thin air, a process that distorts the structure of production
and gives rise to the business cycle.
Imagine that
A deposits $100 in a bank. The bank keeps 10% on reserve and loans
$90 to B. B deposits that same $90, the bank keeps 10% on reserve,
loans the remainder to A, and the cycle continues on and on. Eventually
the bank has a combined deposit total of $1000. Theoretically there
is now $1000 that can be spent. Yet while the amount of money and
credit in the system has increased, the amount of real savings and
real production has not changed.
Everyone understands
the absurdity of this little example, but once this same process
is expanded throughout the economy, the means by which that $100
deposit turns into $1000 of credit is treated almost as magic. The
fact that ten times as much money is chasing the same amount of
goods, that the new credit benefits earlier recipients more than
later recipients, and that distortion to the capital structure then
ensues, are all completely ignored.
Once the boom
phase of the business cycle has run its course and the bust commences,
some people will naturally look to hold cash. So they withdraw money
from their bank accounts in order to hold physical currency. But
bank deposits consist of a huge amount of credit pyramided on top
of a small of amount of original cash deposits. Each dollar of cash
that is withdrawn unwinds the multiplier, resulting in a contraction
in credit. And if depositors attempt to withdraw more funds than
are available in reserves, the entire of house of cards comes crashing
down. This is the very real threat facing some European banks today.
Since the amount
of deposits always exceeds the amount of reserves, it is obvious
that fractional reserve banks cannot possibly pay all of their depositors
on demand as they promise – thus making these banks functionally
insolvent. While the likelihood of all depositors pulling their
money out at once is relatively rare, bank runs periodically do
occur. The only reason banks are able to survive such occurrences
is because of the government subsidy known as deposit insurance,
which was intended to backstop the stability of the banking system
and prevent bank runs. While deposit insurance arguably has succeeded
in reducing the number and severity of bank runs, deposit insurance
is still an explicit bailout guarantee. It thereby creates a moral
hazard by encouraging bank deposits into fundamentally unsound financial
institutions and contributes to instability in the financial system.
Rather than
enhancing stability, deposit insurance creates instability by rewarding
risky behavior on the part of banks. Why engage in sound banking
and lending practices if the government promises always to bail
out your bank and its depositors? Deposits legally are considered
loans to the bank, but depositors are promised by the government
that they never will lose a penny of their deposits. Therefore depositors
need not perform due diligence when selecting a bank with which
to do business. Whether the bank is sound or unsound is immaterial,
since deposits are guaranteed by the government. Thus risky banks
which would be forced out of business in a free market are guaranteed
access to funds with which they engage in their financial alchemy.
much of banking history, bankers and politicians have colluded to
their mutual benefit. Bankers fund government wars in exchange for
special protections from the government. In the 19th
century, U.S. banks were required to purchase government bonds in
order to back their issues of banknotes, thus ensuring funding for
government boondoggles. And when too many banknotes were issued
and depositors sought to exchange them for gold and silver coin,
governments suspended specie redemption, allowing banks to keep
their gold and silver and refuse redemption of their notes. Ultimately
taxpayers and savers were the victims of this unholy alliance.

The solution
to the problem of financial instability is to establish a truly
free-market banking system. Banks will no longer require government
charters in order to operate. They will no longer be forced to comply
with arbitrary government reserve regulations that treat money loaned
to the government as an asset worth more than gold in the vault.
And most importantly, banks will no longer have a government backstop
of any sort in the event of failure. Banks, like every other business,
should have to face the spectre of market regulation. Those banks
which engage in sound business practices, keep adequate reserves
on hand, and gain the confidence of their customers will survive,
while others fall by the wayside. Banking, like any other financial
activity, is not without risk – and the government should not continue
its vain and futile pursuit of trying to eliminate risk. Get government
out of the way and allow the market to function. This will result
in a more stable system that meets the needs of consumers, borrowers,
and investors.
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