Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama campaign showing signs of fear and diasarray

Obama campaign showing signs of fear and diasarray

Abby W. Schachter
 Fear of Mitt Romney's crowd sizes and much better fundraising the Obama campaign is showing the strain.
Vice President Joe Biden's comments in Virginia today reinforce the new normal for Obama's running-on-empty campaign: There's nothing good to say about the administration's record over the past four years, so there's nothing to say at all.
Instead of making the case for why Obama and Biden should get another four years, the Vice President is making up one slur after another.
Yesterday it was taking a shot at Paul Ryan by invoking Ryan's dead father .
Today, Biden went one worse by claiming that Republican Mitt Romney wants to "put y'all back in chains" when he supposedly allows "the big banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street," Biden declared in Danville, Va.
Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter doubled-down on Biden's remarks denying there was anything the matter with his comments.
As for the President himself, he's back criticizing Romney over Romney's dog Seamus .
Is this really the same team that brought us the oh-so-disciplined and focused effort of four years ago?

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