The Mediscare Boomerang
ObamaCare gives Republicans a chance to win the Medicare debate.
Obama all but called Paul Ryan's Medicare reform un-American in 2011,
and Democrats have since spent 16 months running their familiar
Mediscare campaign. But all of a sudden liberals and their media
bodyguards claim to be scandalized because Mitt Romney has the nerve to
defend himself by describing Mr. Obama's own "Medicare cuts." How dare
The double standard is predictable, but the furor is also
instructive. For the first time in memory, voters this year may have a
choice between two very different philosophies about how Medicare ought
to evolve. The political class is spitting nails because, thanks largely
to ObamaCare, a reform agenda might finally get a fair hearing.
"You paid in to Medicare for years, every paycheck," the
voiceover runs in a new Romney TV commercial. "Now, when you need it,
Obama has cut $716 billion from Medicare. Why? To pay for ObamaCare. So
now the money you paid for your guaranteed health care is going to a
massive new government program that's not for you."
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WSJ Editorial Board Member Joe Rago says
Mitt's new Medicare ad is exactly what Republicans need to do if they
want to capture the White House. Photos: Associated Press
If this horror
show sounds familiar, perhaps that's because the Romney ad is a
variation on classic Democratic media buys not merely in the Tea Party
era but the 2000s, the 1990s, the 1980s, the 1970s, if not to the very
creation of Medicare in 1965. Any time Republicans so much as suggest
that the entitlement state has a problem, and even if they don't,
Mediscare becomes a main election theme.
According to the usual Beltway rules, the Washington potentates call
for an honest debate even as they defend or excuse the rank Democratic
falsehoods in order to defeat even the modest reform that they will then
claim we need, if only there had been an honest debate. The Republicans
are supposed to act like Quakers amid the pummeling and are only
allowed to appeal to columnists and wonks with their boring old budget
charts and obscure details. And then lose elections.
Well, now we're learning that the same tactics can be used against
Democrats too. The difference this time is that the Romney-Ryan ticket
is trying to create a political shock absorber against Mediscare so
voters can consider the substance of a genuine reform alternative that
modernizes the entitlement state, rather than simply expanding it.
For the record, President Obama's $716 billion is a "cut" only in the
sense of slowing the rate of spending growth over 10 years, which is
the baseline Democrats always use. Medicare spending will continue to
rise rapidly. The Obama "cuts" come by cranking down Medicare's price
controls for hospitals and by gutting Medicare Advantage.
The real term for this familiar Beltway
ploy should be Medicare austerity—i.e., keep the status quo, only less
of it—rather than reducing costs over time through the structural change
the program needs. But it is factually correct to say that Democrats
took money from Medicare and then used the "cuts" to hide ObamaCare's
true 13-figure cost.
Getty Images
Either Mr. Obama's apologists can
defend raiding one insolvent entitlement to finance another one and own
the cuts. Or they can say these Medicare cuts don't really count as
cuts, as the media fact checkers are suddenly finding ways to do. In
which case it means repudiating Mr. Obama's repeated claims that the
Affordable Care Act reduces the deficit and that "I have strengthened
Medicare," as he put it in Dubuque on Wednesday.
The larger reality is that Medicare cannot and will not continue as
it is, as the President used to admit. A sampler of his rhetoric from
the town-hall summer of 2009: "Mark my words," he declared in Grand
Junction, Colorado, "Medicare in about eight to nine years goes into the
red. . . . It is going broke." He added in Portsmouth, New Hampshire,
that "What is truly scary—what is truly risky—is if we do nothing"
because Medicare is "unsustainable" and "running out of money." In
Belgrade, Montana, he said the program must be reformed "to be there for
the next generation, not just for this generation."
What he rarely mentions is
he plans to fix Medicare under ObamaCare. First the government will do
things like arbitrarily commanding providers to deliver the exact same
benefits except for $716 billion less. When that doesn't work, as it
surely won't, the feds will take control of the case-by-case decisions
currently made between patients and doctors and substitute the judgment
of technocrats. (See what's already happening in Massachusetts,
"RomneyCare 2.0," August 6.)
ObamaCare does this by empowering an unelected 15-member panel to
rule over medicine and tell doctors how to practice, with no legislative
or judicial review. Before he decided to fire up Mediscare again, Mr.
Obama used to concede that this form of rationing by elites was
inevitable. In a 2009 interview with David Leonhardt, he mused whether
his own grandmother's hip replacement after a terminal cancer diagnosis
represented "a sustainable model" for society.
Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are proposing an alternative to
protect Medicare patients from this government-run future, and nothing
in the GOP Mediscare counterattack is remotely as misleading as the
attacks that Mr. Obama has been making against their reform. The
Romney-Ryan plan doesn't "end Medicare as we know it," doesn't include
vouchers, and doesn't force seniors to shoulder the $6,400 in higher
health costs that Mr. Obama mentions at every campaign stop.
Their "premium support" reform explicitly preserves traditional
fee-for-service Medicare. Starting in 2023, seniors could either pick
traditional Medicare or choose from a menu of regulated private plans.
The reform is modeled after the health program that already covers all
federal workers, including Members of Congress. The subsidies increase
with health costs, so seniors wouldn't bear more risk.
The plan wouldn't kick in for a decade, shielding everyone who is in
or near retirement. Our preference would be to start immediately, but
the delay is one of many political accommodations to help ease the
worries of current retirees.
In a normal political year, the liberal Mediscare
tom-toms might have scared Republicans from this issue, and Mr. Ryan
probably would have remained an admired if sidelined Congressman. But
Mr. Obama decided via the Affordable Care Act to remake the entire
health-care system including Medicare, and thus he also changed the
The destructive policy and unpopularity
of ObamaCare have made Paul Ryan's reform politically possible, meaning
that voters may be open to hearing the real choice they face between
command and control or private competition and more patient choice.
Throw in the lousy economy and the Obama spending and debt binges, and
the GOP this year has a chance to win a health-care debate if it goes on
offense and contrasts its solutions to Mr. Obama's.
That's the real reason liberals and the press corps claim to be so
upset by the Romney Medicare ad. By governing so far to the left, Mr.
Obama may have neutralized Mediscare and made voters more receptive to
center-right solutions. Medicare is already changing because it must.
The difference this year is that Republicans have a plan to save it.
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