the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Financial
Services, Hearing on the Annual Report of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council, July 25, 2012
Mr. Chairman,
I welcome this hearing to receive the report of the Financial Stability
Oversight Council (FSOC). The creation of FSOC underscores perfectly
the complete intellectual bankruptcy underpinning the government's
behavior towards financial markets. In the opinion of government
leaders, the financial crisis was not caused by misguided regulation,
interest rate manipulation, or government-caused distortions to
the structure of production, but by a financial sector that was
completely deregulated and laissez-faire. The response of legislators,
therefore, was to create a new super-regulator with vast new powers
to control the financial system.
Those who truly
believe that the financial sector is deregulated might want to test
their hypothesis by starting their own bank without the government's
imprimatur, assuming that they are prepared to spend some time in
a federal penitentiary. To say that the financial sector is deregulated
could not be further from the truth. No other sector of the economy
is as intertwined with the government as the financial industry.
Financial firms,
especially smaller firms, suffer from costly and burdensome regulations
that create barriers to entry in the market place and diminish competition.
Excessive regulation ensures that only government-approved financial
firms have a chance to enter the market. Those firms which are able
to get through the hurdles are still at a competitive disadvantage
vis-a-vis established firms who are better able to navigate the
regulatory maze.
But not all
of the government involvement is negative to the financial industry.
Financial firms, especially larger ones, benefit from government
bailouts, the first use of the Federal Reserve's newly created high-powered
money, and membership in a government-sanctioned and -supported
banking monopoly. Larger, well-established firms are not only better-suited
to comply with the requirements of regulators; they are also more
likely to receive bailouts from the government due to the entrenched
policy of saving firms that are "too big to fail." The
moral hazard of these bailouts is obvious, yet the government continues
to subsidize large, poorly-run financial firms, to the detriment
of investors, the financial system, and the economy as a whole.

Despite all
of this, too many in Congress still believe that more government
regulation will benefit the financial system, pull the United States
out of its current economic malaise, and prevent another financial
crisis. This was the thinking behind the Dodd-Frank Act and the
creation of FSOC and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
If the regulators failed to see the crisis coming and failed to
act to stem the crisis, the Washington solution is to pass even
more stringent laws, increase regulators' budgets, and create new
agencies, commissions, and councils. The view in Washington is that
if a regulator fails, make it bigger; if a law fails to prevent
a crisis or scandal, create another one; and never, ever rethink
your belief that more government is always the solution.
In the financial
sector we witnessed the collapse of Enron and the subsequent passage
of Sarbanes-Oxley, a ham-fisted attempt to reform accounting practices
which had the effect of further burdening firms, especially smaller
financial firms, while doing nothing to prevent the scandals at
Lehman Brothers, MF Global, and other entities.
Despite the
demonstrated failure of Sarbanes-Oxley to prevent the next wave
of financial scandals and the financial crisis, Congress insisted
on creating FSOC in the wake of the financial crisis. FSOC is essentially
the President's Working Group on Financial Markets (a.k.a. Plunge
Protection Team) on steroids. This organization has vast powers
to interfere in all areas of the financial system under the guise
of "financial stability", yet it is far more likely that
FSOC's actions will instead lead to increased instability of the
financial system. An organization that can dictate orders with impunity
can only create havoc.

We now know
that the New York Fed knew about problems with LIBOR four years
ago, yet nothing was disclosed to Congress. So what else are the
regulators hiding from Congress? It is foolish to think that regulators
who knew of problems in the financial system and didn't react to
them or bring them to the attention of Congress would do anything
differently with larger staffs, larger budgets, or when meeting
with other regulators as part of FSOC.
To those who
say that government needs to do something to combat the financial
crisis and that we need more regulation, I agree wholeheartedly,
but not in the way they would expect. What government needs to do
is get out of the way of the market, reduce the restrictions on
competition in the financial sector, and reduce the restrictions
on what individuals can do with their money. The regulation we need
is market-based regulation, the rule of the market in which consumers,
not government, are able to pick the winners and losers. Profitable
firms are allowed to prosper and thrive in freedom from the government's
chokehold, while unprofitable firms are refused bailouts and allowed
to go out of business. Government subversion of the market process
is what got us into the financial crisis, it is what is prolonging
the crisis, and the only way out of the crisis is for government
to get out of the way and legalize market freedom.
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