Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Romney Rising In Swing States: Polls Ahead of Obama in WI and MI

For a while now, and with some off-days, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney has maintained a small but persistent lead in the two most reliable national polls, Gallup and Rasmussen. Swing state polls, however, have been less kind. Since Romney clinched the nomination, President Obama has consistently led in most of these crucial states, sometimes by wide margins that felt counter-intuitive when compared to the national polls.

Well, whatever caused that -- Obama's spending advantage, poorly weighted polls or both -- the tide is turning and also doing so in two states Obama and his media minions probably felt were pretty safe.
[A] national public opinion polling and voter analytics consulting firm based in Michigan and representing the combined resources of Foster McCollum White & Associates (Troy, Michigan) and Baydoun Consulting (Dearborn, Michigan) conducted a telephone-automated polling random survey of Michigan registered and most likely November 2012 general election voters to determine their voting preferences.
In what will be a significant blow to Democratic campaign efforts, native son Mitt Romney has climbed into the lead in Michigan's Presidential contest.
Obama: 43.88%
Romney: 47.68%
And in my home state of Wisconsin two recent polls have Obama stuck at 47 and Romney ahead by one.  
Over the past few weeks in the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, Romney has caught up to or passed Obama in Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Florida, and Iowa.
The trend is the thing and the trend is all moving Romney's way.
It might just be that the American people know when a cynical, dishonest, failed president and his media minions are conning them with shiny distractions as the economy shrinks and the unemployment rate increases.
It might just be that Romney refusing to cave to the fact checker's lies about welfare reform is allowing Obama's gutting of that law to penetrate.  
It might just be that New Media is also penetrating with our counter-narratives and our focus on real issues as opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage, tax returns, and whatever other nonsense Obama's pathetic MSM Palace Guards can dream up.
And it might just be that choosing a serious, ethical, brilliant reformer like Paul Ryan told voters that Romney takes them and the problems of this nation seriously.
My guess is that it's a little bit of all that.
Since choosing Ryan last Saturday morning, Team Romney not only broke a six-week losing streak but have run a near-flawless campaign. Voters are seeing a competent nominee with a competent team and a potential president whose first hiring choice (Ryan) was the work of a confident leader.
All America needs is an acceptable alternative to the failed man currently in the job, and right now, Romney is proving himself to be that man and then some.

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